
1. Journal papers

[1.1] X. Sun, N. A. Salmon and J. Miao, "Performance Analysis of a Walk-through Portal Array for Passive Millimeter-wave 3-D Imaging," in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, doi: 10.1109/TIM.2024.3353863

[1.2] Salmon, N.A., “Indoor Full-Body Security Screening: Radiometric Microwave Imaging Phenomenology and Polarimetric Scene Simulation", in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 144621-144637, 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3013967.

[1.3] Salmon, N.A., Hoon, S.R., “A millimeter-wave Bell Test using a ferrite parametric amplifier and a homodyne interferometer”, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 501, (2020),

[1.4] Owda, A.Y., Salmon, N.A., Casson, A.J., Owda, M., “The Reflectance of Human Skin in the Millimeter-Wave Band”, MDPI Sensors 2020,20(5),1480;

[1.5] Owda, A., Salmon, N., Shylo, S., Owda, M., “Assessment of Bandaged Burn Wounds Using Porcine Skin and Millimetric Radiometry“, MDPI Sensors 2019, 19(13), 2950;

[1.6] Owda, A., Salmon, N.A, Rezgui, N-D, ‘Electromagnetic Signatures of Human Skin in the Millimeter Wave Band 80-100 GHz’, Progress in Electromagnetics Research B, vol. 80, pp. 79-99, March, 2018.

[1.7] Salmon, N.A. ‘Outdoor passive millimeter wave imaging: phenomenology and scene simulation, IEEE, TAP, vol. 66, no. 2, Feb. 2018.

[1.8] Owda, A., Salmon, N.A. et al, ‘Millimetre-Wave emission as a metric for the non-invasive diagnosis of human skin conditions’, Journal of Bioelectromagnetics, vol. 38, no. 7, pp.559-569, October (2017).

[1.9] Salmon, N.A., ‘3-D Radiometric Aperture Synthesis Imaging’, IEEE TMTT, vol.63, no.11, Nov., (2015)

[1.10] The ASDEX Upgrade Team, 'Observation of Continuous Divertor Detachment in H-Mode Discharges in ASDEX Upgrade', Physical Review Letters, vol. 74, No. 21, 22 May (1995).

[1.11] Zohm, H., Salmon, N.A., et al., 'Dynamic Behaviour of the H-mode in ASDEX Upgrade', Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, vol. 36, No. 7A, pp. A129-A134, July, (1994).

[1.12] The ASDEX Upgrade Team, ‘Recent results from divertor operation in ASDEX Upgrade’, Plasma Physics and controlled fusion, vol. 36, Supp. No. 12B, p. B79-92, December 1994.

[1.13] The ASDEX Upgrade Team, 'Edge Physics and H-mode Studies in ASDEX Upgrade', Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, vol. 35, Supp. 12B, p. B205-14, December, (1993).

[1.14] Costley, A.E., Salmon, N.A. et al., 'Measurement of Electron Temperature and Density of the Edge Plasma of JET by ECE and Microwave Reflectometry', Journal of Nuclear Materials 176 and 177, pp. 1064-1069, (1990).

[1.15] Start, D.F.H., Salmon, N.A., et al, ‘Electron absorption of fast magnetosonic wave by transit time magnetic pumping in JET’, Nuclear Fusion, vol. 30, No. 10, pp. 2170-6, Oct., (1990).

[1.16] Wesson, J.A., Salmon, N.A. et al., 'Disruptions in JET', Nuclear Fusion, vol. 29, No. 4, (1989).

[1.17] Ainsworth, A., Salmon, N.A. et al., Plasma heating in JET, Journal of Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, vol. 28, No. 9A, pp 1211, IOP Publishing, Sept., (1986).

2. Books

[2.1] Luukanen, A., Appleby, R., Kemp, M., Salmon, N.A. Book Chapter: ‘Millimeter-Wave and Terahertz Imaging in Security Applications’, Terahertz Spectroscopy and Imaging, Springer Series in Optical Sciences, Vol. 171, Editors: Peiponen, Zeitler, Kuwata-Gonakami, Makoto, ISBN 978-3-642-29564-5, (2013). 

3. Journal ed.

[3.1] Krapels, Salmon, Wikner, Schuetz, Ed., ‘RF Imaging, Architectures, and Applications: introduction to the feature issue’ Applied Optics Vol. 49, Issue 19, pp. RFI1-RFI1 (2010).

4. Refereed conference journal papers, Lead author

[4.1] Salmon, N.A., “Spatial resolutions and field-of-views in millimetre wave aperture synthesis security screening imagers”, SPIE Europe Security+Defence, Millimetre Wave and Terahertz Sensors and Technology XI, SPIE Proc. vol. 10800, pp.1-7, Berlin, September, (2018). 

[4.2] Salmon, N.A., “A quantum Bell Test homodyne interferometer at ambient temperature for millimetre wave entangled photons”, SPIE Europe Security+Defence, Quantum Technologies and Quantum Information Science, SPIE Proc. vol. 10803, pp.1-11, September, (2018).

[4.3] Salmon, N.A. ‘Extended sources near-field processing of experimental aperture synthesis data and application of the Gerchberg method for enhancing radiometric three-dimensional millimetre-wave images in security screening portals’, Proc. SPIE vol. 10439, Europe Security+Defence, Millimetre Wave and Terahertz Sensors and Technology, X, Warsaw, Poland, September, (2017). 

[4.4] Salmon, N.A. ‘Experimental results and simulations from aperture synthesis three-dimensional radiometric imaging’, Proc. SPIE vol. 9993, Europe Security+Defence, Millimetre Wave and Terahertz Sensors and Technology IX, Edinburgh, September, (2016). 

[4.5] Salmon, N.A., Bowring, N., ‘Simulations of three-dimensional radiometric imaging of extended sources in a security screening portal’, Proc. SPIE vol. 9651, Europe Security+Defence, Millimetre Wave and Terahertz Sensors and Technology VIII, Toulouse, 21-24th Sept. (2015). 

[4.6] Salmon, N.A., Bowring, N., ‘Screening vehicles for stowaways using aperture synthesis passive millimetre wave imaging’, ibid.

[4.7] Salmon, N.A., Bowring, N., ‘Three-dimensional radiometric aperture synthesis microscopy for security screening’, Proc. SPIE vol. 9252, Europe Security+Defence, Millimetre Wave and Terahertz Sensors and Technology VII, Amsterdam, Sept., (2014). 

[4.8] Salmon, N.A., ‘Near-field aperture synthesis millimeter wave imaging for security screening of personnel’, Proc. IEEE 9th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks & Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP), 23-25th July, 2014. 

[4.9] Salmon, N.A. and Bowring, N., ‘Near-field and three-dimensional aperture synthesis imaging’, Proc. Proc. SPIE vol. 8900, Europe Security+Defence, Millimetre Wave and Terahertz Senors and Technology VI, Dresden, Sept. (2013). 

[4.10] Salmon, N.A., Bowring, N., Hutchinson, S., Southgate, M, O’Reilly, D., ‘An aviation security (AVSEC) screening demonstrator for the detection of non-metallic threats at 28-33 GHz, Proc. SPIE vol. 8900, Europe Security+Defence, Millimetre Wave and Terahertz Sensors and Technology VI, Dresden, Sept. (2013). 

[4.11] Salmon, N.A., Wilkinson, P., Taylor, C., ’Interferometric aperture synthesis for next generation passive millimetre wave imagers’, Proc. SPIE vol. 8544, Europe Security + Defence, Millimetre Wave and Terahertz and Technology, Edinburgh, September, (2012). 

[4.12] Salmon, N.A. Radiven, J., Wilkinson, P., ‘Amplitude and intensity interferometry using satellite LNB receivers for innovative and low cost microwave and millimetre wave sensor development’, Proc. SPIE vol. 8544, Europe Security + Defence, Millimetre Wave and Terahertz Sensors and Technology, Edinburgh, September, (2012). 

[4.13] Salmon, N.A. Kirkham, L, Wilkinson, P.N., ‘Characterisation and calibration of a large aperture (1.6 m) ka-band indoor passive millimetre wave security screening imager’, Proc. SPIE vol. 8544, Europe Security + Defence, Millimetre Wave and Terahertz Sensors and Technology, Edinburgh, September, (2012). 

[4.14] Salmon, N.A., Macpherson, R., Wilkinson, P., Taylor, C., et al, ‘First video rate imagery from a 32-channel 22-GHz aperture synthesis passive millimetre wave imager’, SPIE Europe Security + Defence, Millimetre Wave and Terahertz Sensors and Technology, Prague, September, (2011). 

[4.15] Salmon, N.A., Wilkinson, P., Taylor, C., Benyezzar, M., ‘Minimising the costs of next generation aperture synthesis passive millimetre wave imagers’, SPIE Europe Security + Defence, Millimetre Wave and Terahertz Sensors and Technology, Prague, September, (2011). 

[4.16] Salmon, N.A. Mason, I., et at, ‘First imagery generated by near-field real-time aperture synthesis passive millimetre wave imagers at 94 GHz and 183 GHz’, SPIE Europe Security+Defence Symposium, Millimetre wave and Terahertz Sensors and Technology’, Toulouse, September, (2010). 

[4.17] Salmon, N.A., Mason, I., Price, S., Beale, J., ‘Measurements of aerospace materials and their interpretation for non-destructive testing’, SPIE Europe Security+Defence, Millimetre Wave and Terahertz Sensors and Technology, Berlin, August/September, (2009). 

[4.18] Salmon, N.A. Price, S., Beale, J., Mason, I., ‘Non-destructive testing of aerospace materials: Measurements and interpretation’, 5th ESA Workshop on Millimetre Wave Technology and Applications & 31st ESA Antenna Workshop, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 18-20 May (2009). 

[4.19] Salmon, N.A., Beale, J.E.P., Macpherson, R., Metcalfe, R., Harvey, A.R., Hall, P.S., ‘Compact and light-weight digital beam-forming passive millimetre imagers’, SPIE Security and Defence, Millimetre Wave and Terahertz Sensors and Technology, Cardiff, Sept. (2008). 

[4.20] Salmon, N.A., Beale, J.E.P, Macpherson, R., Harvey, A.R., Hall, P.S., ‘Security Screening flat panel passive millimetre wave imagers’, SPIE Newsroom (Invited Paper), URL:, July (2008). 

[4.21] Salmon, N.A., Beale, J., Parkinson, J., Hayward, S., Hall, P., Macpherson, R., Lewis, R., Harvey, A., ’Digital beam-forming for passive millimetre wave security imaging’, 2nd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Edinburgh, November, (2007). 

[4.22] Salmon, N.A., Beale, J., Parkinson, J., Hayward, S., Hall, P., Macpherson, R., Lewis, R., Harvey, A. ‘Passive Millimetre Wave Digital Beam-forming Security Imaging’ SPIE Europe 2007, Security and Defence, Florence, September, (2007). 

[4.23] Salmon, N.A., Beale, J., Parkinson, J., Hayward, S., Hall, P., Macpherson, R., Lewis, R., ‘Digital Beam-forming for Passive Millimetre Wave Security Imaging’, 32nd International Conference on IRMWW, Cardiff, September (2007). 

[4.24] Salmon, N.A. ‘Polarimetric scene simulation for sub-millimetre wave imaging and the description of scattering effects’, Defense and Security Symposium 2006: Passive Millimeter-Wave Imaging Technology IX, Orlando, April, (2006). 

[4.25] Salmon, N.A. ‘Polarimetric passive millimetre-wave imaging scene simulation including multiple reflections of subjects and their backgrounds’, SPIE Security and Defence Passive Millimetre-Wave and Terahertz Imaging and Technology II, Bruges, September, (2005). 

[4.26] Salmon, N.A. et al, ‘An all electronic passive millimetre wave imaging system’, SPIE Defense and Security: Passive Millimetre-Wave Imaging Technology VIII, Orlando, March, (2005). 

[4.27] Salmon, N.A. ‘Scene simulation for passive and active millimetre and sub-millimetre wave imaging for security scanning’, SPIE Optics/photonics in Security and Defence, Passive millimetre wave and terahertz imaging and technology, London, October, (2004). 

[4.28] Salmon, N.A. ‘Polarimetric scene simulation in millimetre wave radiometric imaging’, SPIE Defense and Security Symposium 2004, Radar Sensor Technology VIII and Passive Millimeter-Wave Imaging technology VII, Orlando, April, (2004). 

[4.29] Salmon, N.A., Appleby, R.A. & Hayward, S. ‘Electronic scanning for passive millimetre wave imaging’, SPIE Aerosense 2003: Passive millimetre wave imaging technology and Radar Sensor technology VII, April, Orlando, (2003). 

[4.30] Salmon, N.A., Appleby, R.A, & Coward, P., ‘Polarimetric passive millimetre wave imaging’, 2002 3rd International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology Proceedings, 17-19 August 2002, Beijing, China.

[4.31] Salmon, N.A. ‘Methodology for the calculation of aggregate power levels into passive Earth Exploration Satellite Sensors from high-density fixed service operating in bands ranging 71 GHz to 275 GHz’, International telecommunication Union, Radiocommunication Study Group, April, (2002) (supplied to Radiocommunications Agency and awaiting publication). 

[4.32] Salmon, N.A., Appleby R and Price, S, ‘Scene simulation of passive millimetre wave images of plastic and metal objects’, SPIE Aerosense 2002: Passive Millimeter-Wave Imaging Technology VI, Orlando, April (2002). 

[4.33] Salmon, N.A. Appleby R and Price, S, ‘Scene simulation of passive millimetre wave images of plastic and metal objects’, SPIE 46th International Symposium on Optical Science and Technology – Subsurface and Surface Sensing Technologies and Applications III, 29th July – 3rd August, San Diego, (2001). 

[4.34] Salmon, N.A.., Appleby R. and Coward, P., ‘Polarimetric Passive Millimetre Wave Imaging’, SPIE 15th Annual International Symposium, Aerosense 2001, Passive Millimeter-Wave Imaging Technology V, Orlando, 16th –20th April, (2001). 

[4.35] Salmon, N.A. & Appleby, R., ‘Carbon Monoxide Detection Using Passive and Active Millimetre Wave Radiometry’, 2nd International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology, Beijing, 14th – 16th September, (2000). 

[4.36] Salmon, N.A. & Appleby, R., ‘Millimetre Wave Sky Radiation Temperature Fluctuations’, 25th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Beijing, September, (2000). 

[4.37] Salmon, N.A. & Appleby, R. ‘Carbon monoxide detection using passive and active millimetre wave radiometry’, SPIE 14th Annual International Symposium, Aerosense 2000, Passive Millimeter-Wave Imaging Technology IV, Orlando, 24 – 28 April (2000). 

[4.38] Salmon, N.A. & Appleby, R. ‘Sky radiation temperature changes and fluctuations in the millimetre wave band’, SPIE 14th Annual International Symposium, Aerosense 2000, Passive Millimeter-Wave Imaging Technology IV, Orlando, 24 – 28 April (2000). 

[4.39] Salmon, N.A. ‘Passive Millimetre Wave Imaging and Absorption from Exhaust Gases’, Electronics and Radiophysics of Ultra-High Frequencies (UHF’99), St Petersburg, 24-28 May, (1999). 

[4.40] Salmon, N.A., ‘A w-band real-time passive millimetre-wave imager for helicopter collision avoidance’, SPIE 13th Annual International Symposium - Passive Millimetre Wave Technology III, Orlando, 5 - 9 April (1999). 

[4.41] Salmon, N.A., ‘Coherence effects in passive centimetre- and millimetre-wave imaging for landmine detection’, SPIE 13th Annual International Symposium on Aerosense - Passive Millimetre Wave Technology III, Orlando, 5 - 9 April (1999). 

[4.42] Salmon, N.A., Price, S. and Borrill, J.R. 'Landmine Detection Using Passive Centi / Millimetre Wave Emission', RSG-20 Nato Symposium on Passive Millimetre Wave Techniques, Feb (1999). 

[4.43] Salmon, N.A., Price, S. and Borrill, J.R. 'Landmine Detection Using Passive Centi / Millimetre Wave Emission', SPIE 12th Annual International Symposium on AeroSense - Passive Millimetre Wave Imaging Technology II, Orlando, April (1998). 

[4.44] Salmon, N.A., Borrill, J.R. and Gleed, D., 'Absolute Temperature Stability of Passive Imaging Radiometers', SPIE 11th Annual International Symposium on AeroSense - Passive Millimeter Wave Imaging Technology, Orlando, April, (1997). 

[4.45] Salmon, N.A., 'Passive Millimetre Wave Imaging through Fog at 35 GHz and 140 GHz', 21st International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Berlin, Germany, July, (1996). 

[4.46] Salmon, N.A., 'Analysis of Millimetre Wave Images at 35, 94 and 140 GHz', 20th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Orlando, Florida, Dec., (1995). 

[4.47] Salmon, N.A., 'First Electron Edge Temperature Measurements on the ASDEX Upgrade Tokamak using a Multichannel Microwave Heterodyne Radiometer', Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 53-60, January, (1994). 

[4.48] Salmon, N.A., 'First Electron Temperature Edge Measurements on the ASDEX Upgrade Tokamak using a Multichannel Microwave Heterodyne Radiometer', pp. 254, proc. 18th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Colchester, England, Sept., (1993). 

[4.49] Salmon, N.A. and Eberhagen, A., 'First Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Temperature Profile Measurements on ASDEX Upgrade', proc. 19th European Physical Society Conference: Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Innsbruck, Austria, June, (1992). 

[4.50] Salmon, N.A., 'An Electron Cyclotron Emission Diagnostic for the Edge Region (0.7 < r/a < 1.0) of the ASDEX Upgrade Tokamak Plasma', EURATOM fellowship progress report, February, (1992).

[4.51] Salmon, N.A., ‘High Spatial Resolution Temperature Measurements in the JET Plasma Using Electron Cyclotron Emission’, PhD Thesis, Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College, University of London, (1990). 

[4.52] Salmon, N.A. Bartlett, D.V. et al, ‘Disruption studies in JET’, American Physical Society Bulletin, vol. 32, no. 9, October 1987, 29th Annual meeting of division of plasma physics, San Diego 2-6 November, (1987). 

[4.53] Salmon, N.A., Bartlett, D.V. and Costley, A.E., 'High Spatial Resolution Temperature Measurements in JET using a Multichannel Heterodyne Radiometer', proc. 6th International Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating, pp.157-164, Oxford, England, 16-17th Sept. (1987), ISBN OCLC:18872268.

[4.54] Salmon, N.A., Bartlett, D.V. and Costley, A.E., 'High Resolution Temperature Measurements in JET and their Application to the Study of the Edge Plasma and Density Limit Disruptions', proc. 14th European Physical Society Conference: Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Madrid, Spain, Vol. IID, Part III, pp.1248, 22-26 June, (1987). 

[4.55] Salmon, N.A., Bartlett, D.V. and Costley, A.E., 'An Electron Cyclotron Emission Diagnostic for the Edge Region of the JET Plasma', proc. Workshop on Basic and Advanced Fusion Plasma Diagnostic Techniques, Varenna, Italy, Vol. 1, pp. 273, 3-13th Sept.(1986).

5. Conference papers, Co-author

5 Conference papers, Co-author
[5.1] Andrews, D., Blackhurst, E.J., Salmon, N.A.,” Security screening FDTD simulations of the human body and enclosures in polarimetric radar and comparison with measurements”, SPIE Europe, Emerging Imaging and Sensing Technologies for Security Screening and Defence VII, Berlin, September, 2022.

[5.2] Owda, A.Y., Salmon, N., Owda, M.,” Porcine Skin as a Surrogate for Human Skin in Millimetre Wave Sensing Research”, SPIE Europe, Emerging Imaging and Sensing Technologies for Security Screening and Defence VII, Berlin, September, 2022.

[5.3] Owda, A.Y., Salmon, N., Owda, M., “Indoor passive sensing for detecting hidden objects under clothing”, SPIE Europe, “Millimetre Wave and Terahertz Sensors and Technology XIV, September 2021.

[5.4] Blackhurst, E.J., Salmon, N.A., "Detection of concealed explosives and shrapnel weapons using decompositions of microwave polarimetric radar data," Proc. SPIE 11541, Millimetre Wave and Terahertz Sensors and Technology XIII, 1154107 (20 September 2020);

[5.5] Owda, A. Y., Salmon, N.A., “Millimetric Radiometry for Measuring Human and Porcine Skin Reflectance”, ibid, .

[5.6] Blackhurst, E.J., Salmon, N.A., “Full polarimetric radar for concealed weapons detection: Experimental determination and simulation of the Huynen target parameters for the human torso”, “Millimetre Wave and Terahertz Sensors and Technology, SPIE Proc. Vol. 11164, Sept. 2019, .

[5.7] Owda, A. Y., Salmon, N. A., “Variation in the electromagnetics signatures of the human skin with physical activity and hydration level of the skin”, ibid, .

[5.8] Blackhurst, E.J., Salmon, N.A., Southgate, M., “Experimental determination and simulations of the Huynen target parameters for full polarimetric millimetre wave concealed weapon recognition”, SPIE Europe Security+Defence, Millimetre Wave Terahertz Sensors and Technology XI, Berlin, SPIE Proc. Vol. 10800, September, 2018.

[5.9] Owda, A.Y., Salmon, N.A., Andrews, D., Rezgui, N-D., ‘Active millimeter-wave radar for sensing and imaging through dressing materials’, Proc. 2017 IEEE Sensors, 29th Oct-1st Nov., Glasgow, 2017.

[5.10] Owda, A.Y., Salmon, N.A., Rezgui, N-D., Shylo, S., ‘Millimetre wave radiometers for medical diagnostics of human skin’, Proc. 2017 IEEE Sensors, 29th Oct-1st Nov., Glasgow, 2017.

[5.11] Owda, A., Rezgui, N-D, ‘Signatures of human skin in the millimeter wave band (80-100) GHz’, Proc. SPIE vol. 10439, Europe Security+Defence, Millimetre Wave and Terahertz Sensors and Technology, X, Warsaw, Poland, September (2017)

[5.12] Owda, A.Y., Salmon, N.A., ‘On the feasibility of monitoring the wound healing under dressing materials using non-contact active millimetre wave imaging system’, Proc. Tissue and Cell Engineering Society Annual Conference, Manchester, July 2017.

[5.13] Blackhurst, E.J., Salmon, N.A., Southgate, M., ‘Full Polarimetric Millimetre Wave Radar for Stand-off Security Screening’, Proc. SPIE vol. 10439, Europe Security+Defence, Millimetre Wave and Terahertz Sensors and Technology, X, Warsaw, Poland, September (2017)

[5.14] Taylor, C.T. Wilkinson, P.N., Salmon, N.A., Cameron, C.D., ‘Applicability of radio astronomy techniques to the processing and interpretation of aperture synthesis passive millimetre-wave applications’, Proc. SPIE vol. 8362, Passive and Active Millimeter-Wave Imaging XV, (2012)

[5.15] Taylor, C., Salmon, N.A. et al, ‘Calibration source and temperature standard for passive millimetre wave imagers’, SPIE Europe Security+Defence Symposium, Millimetre wave and Terahertz Sensors and Technology’, Toulouse, September, (2010)

[5.16] Ashley, T., Salmon, N.A. et al, ‘InSb Based Technology for Integrated Passive Millimetre Wave Focal Plane Arrays’, Electro-magnetic Remote Sensing (EMRS), Defence Technology Centre (DTC) conference, Edinburgh, July, (2009)

[5.17] Higgins, C.J., Salmon, N.A., ‘Passive millimetre-wave imaging for ballistic missile launch detection’, SPIE Security and Defence, Millimetre Wave and Terahertz Sensors and Technology, Cardiff, Sept. (2008)

[5.18] Anderton R.N, Salmon, N.A. ‘Mechanically scanned real time passive millimetre wave imaging at 94GHz’, SPIE Aerosense 2003: Passive millimetre wave imaging technology and radar sensor technology VII, April, Orlando, (2003)

[5.19] Appleby R, Salmon, N.A. et al., ‘Compact real-time (video rate) passive millimetre-wave imager’, SPIE 13th Annual International Symposium on Aerosense - Passive Millimetre Wave Technology III, Orlando, 5 - 9 April (1999)

[5.20] Price, S., Salmon, N.A., et al, 'Compact Video-Rate Passive Millimetre-Wave-Imager', 23rd International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Colchester, UK, Sept. (1998).

[5.21] Anderton, R.N., Salmon, N.A., et al., 'Real time passive mm-wave imaging', SPIE 12th Annual International Symposium on AeroSense - Passive Millimetre Wave Technology II, Orlando, April (1998).

[5.22] Gleed, D.G., Salmon, N.A., et al., 'Operational Issues for Passive Millimetre Wave Imaging Systems', SPIE 11th Annual International Symposium on AeroSense - Passive Millimeter Wave Technology, Orlando, April, (1997).

[5.23] Anderton, R.N., Appleby, R., Borrill, J.R., Gleed, D.G., Price, S. Salmon, N.A. Sinclair, G.N., Lettington, A.H., ‘Prospects of imaging applications’, IEE Colloquium on Terahertz Technology and its Applications, Ref. No. 1997/151, April (1997)

[5.24] Noterdaeme, J-M., Salmon, N.A., et al., 'First Results of Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating on ASDEX Upgrade', AIP, proc. 10th Topical Radio Frequency Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas, Boston, 1-3 April, (1993).

[5.25] Noterdaeme, J-M., Salmon, N.A., et al., 'Combination of Fundamental and Second Harmonic Minority Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating on ASDEX Upgrade', proc. 20th European Physical Society Conference: Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Lisbon, July 26-30, (1993)

[5.26] Fuchs, J.C., Eberhagen, & Salmon, N.A., ’Electron Cyclotron Emission Diagnostics for the ASDEX-Upgrade Tokamak’, Proc. 8th Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating, Gut Ising, Germany, 19-21 October, (1992)

[5.27] Start, D.F.H., Bartlett, D.V. Salmon, N.A. et al, ‘Electron absorption of fast magnetosonic wave by transient time magnetic pumping in the JET tokomak’, Internal Report, JET-P(90)02, Jan., (1990)

[5.28] Bartlett, D.V., Salmon, N.A., et al., 'Measurement of Electron Temperature and Density in the Edge Plasma of JET by ECE and Microwave Reflectometry', proc. Plasma Surface Interactions, Bournemouth, (1990)

[5.29] Smeulders, P. Salmon, N.A. et al, ‘High-beta regimes in JET’, American Physical Society. Bulletin. Vol. 34, No. 9 October 1989, (Program of the 31st Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics, Anaheim, Calif., 13-17th November 1989), p.2055.

[5.30] Joffrin, E., Salmon, N.A., et al., 'An Interpretation of the Structure of ELMs and the H to L Transition on JET', proc. European Physical Society Conference, Venice, 13-17th March (1989), European Physical Society, 1989, pp. I-224 I-228

[5.31] Uchino, K., Salmon, N.A., et al., 'A Relative Calibration Method for the JET ECE Heterodyne Radiometer', proc. 7th International Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating, Hefei, Anhui, China,9-11th May, (1989)

[5.32] Costley, A.E., Salmon, N.A., et al., ‘Recent Developments in ECE Measurements at JET', proc. 7th International Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating, China, (1989)

[5.33] Wesson, J.A. Gill, R.D., Hugon, M, Salmon, N.A., et al, ‘Disruptions in JET’, Internal Report, JET-P(88)44, (1988)

[5.34] Tanga, A., Salmon, N.A., et al., 'The JET H-mode', proc. 15th European Physical Society Conference: Controlled Fusion and Plasma Heating, Dubrovnik, 16-20th May, (1988)

[5.35] Hubbard, A.E., Salmon, N.A., et al., ‘Edge Fluctuation Measurements During X-point Plasmas in JET', proc. 15th European Physical Society Conference: Controlled Fusion and Plasma Heating, Dubrovnik, 16-20th May, (1989)

[5.36] Bartlett D.; Campbell D.; Duperrex P. A.; Edwards Α.; Gill R.; Gottardi N.; Granetz R.; Haynes P.; Hender T.; Hugon M.; Jackel H.; Lazzaro E.; Lopes Cardozo Ν.; Oyevaar T.; Salmon Ν.; Schuller F.; Smeulders P.; Snipes J.; Stott P.; Tonetti G.; Ward D.; Weller Α.; Wesson J.; ‘Disruption studies in JET’, American Physical Society, Bulletin. vol.32, no.9, October 1987, (Program of the 29th Ann. Mtg. Div. Plasma Phys., San Diego, 2-6 November 1987. Abstracts.) p.1838, 5V,10.

[5.37] Bartlett, D.V., Salmon, N.A., et al., 'Overview of JET ECE Measurements', proc. 6th International Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating, 16-17th September, Oxford, England, (1987)
6. QinetiQ Reports, Lead Author

[6.1] Salmon, N.A. ‘ESA terahertz camera: Final report’, QINETIQ/TS/FPPS/CR01001591, 19th March, (2010). 

[6.2] Salmon, N.A., ‘ESA terahertz camera: Development plan and technology roadmap’, QINETIQ/TS/FPPS/CR01001590, 19th March, (2010). 

[6.3] Salmon, N.A., ‘ESA terahertz camera: Test and demonstration’ QINETIQ/TS/FPPS/CR01001585, 19th March, (2010). 

[6.4] Salmon, N.A. ‘ESA Terahertz camera: Image reconstruction algorithms’, QINETIQ/TS/FPPS/CR0902205, 9th October, (2009). 

[6.5] Salmon, N.A. ‘ESA Terahertz camera: Detailed design, specifications and updated test plan’, QINETIQ/AT/PS/CR0900627, 5th October, (2009). 

[6.6] Salmon, N.A. ‘Performance prediction of mechanically scanned PMMW pilotage technology’, QINETIQ/S&DU/T&P/OPT/CR0700882/2.0, U, March, (2007). 

[6.7] Salmon, N.A., ‘An electronic scanning passive millimetre wave imager for FOAS – Class A Final Report’, QINETIQ/S&DU/T&P/OPT/CR051738/1.0, R, November, (2005). 

[6.8] Salmon, N.A., ‘An electronic scanning passive millimetre wave imager for FOAS – Final Report’, QINETIQ/T&P/OPT/CR051128/1.0, S, September, (2005). 

[6.9] Salmon, N.A. ‘Ballistic missile launch detection through cloud using passive millimetre wave imaging’, R, QINETIQ/S&E/CR050717/1.0, July, (2005). 

[6.10] Salmon, N.A. ‘Three dimensional through-wall-imaging using active coherent and incoherent microwave techniques – A proposal’, QINETIQ/S&E/042622/1.0, U, May, (2005). 

[6.11] Salmon, N.A. ‘Calibration of a single channel planar antenna radiometer for the electronic scanning passive millimetre wave imager for FOAS’, S, QINETIQ/S&E/OPC/CR050483/1.0, March, (2005). 

[6.12] Salmon, N.A. ‘The FOAS passive millimetre wave imager – integration of the millimetre wave planar antennas and techniques for jamming the imager with RF’, QINETIQ/S&E/OPC/CR042616/1.0, S, January, (2005). 

[6.13] Salmon, N.A. ‘The FOAS passive millimetre wave imager – interfacing analogue with digital electronics, and design of planar antennas’, QINETIQ/S&E/OPC/CR042259/1.0, S, November, (2004). 

[6.14] Salmon, N.A. ‘The FOAS passive millimetre wave imager – design of the analogue and digital high-speed (3 Gbps) receiver, array technologies and signature control strategy’, QINETIQ/S&E/OPC/CR041687/1.0, S, August, (2004). 

[6.15] Salmon, N.A., ‘Functionality of the FOAS passive millimetre wave imager, requirements for motion compensation and analogue receiver design’, QINETIQ/S&E/OPC/CR041105/1.0, S, June, (2004). 

[6.16] Salmon, N.A., ‘MOD FOAS requirements and outline specification for an electronic scanning passive millimetre wave imager’, QINETIQ/S&E/OPC/CR040551/1.0, R, March, (2004). 

[6.17] Salmon, N.A. ‘Feasibility study for an electronic scanning passive millimetre wave imager on the FOAS platform – A proposal’, QINETIQ/S&E/OPC/BID031523/1.0, July, (2003). 

[6.18] Salmon, N.A. ‘Electronic Scanning for Passive Millimetre Wave Security Imaging’, DTI Link BTIA BID proposal, February (2003). 

[6.19] Salmon, N.A. ‘Electronic Scanning for Passive Millimetre Wave Security Imaging’, DTI Link BTIA outline proposal, December (2002).

[6.20] Salmon, N.A. ‘Electronic beam steering for passive millimetre wave imaging from the FOAS platform’, QINETIQ,S&E/OPC/CR020957/1.0, S, June (2002). 

[6.21] Salmon, N.A. ‘Status of passive millimetre wave imaging and associated technology’, QinetiQ/S&E/MMS/CR020112, S, April (2002). 

[6.22] Salmon, N.A. & Coward, P, ‘Aircraft vapour trail detection using passive millimetre wave imaging’, QinetiQ/S&E/MMS/TR011994/1.0, February, (2002). 

[6.23] Salmon, N.A., ‘Millimetre wave communication in the 70 GHz to 275 GHz band in the London area’, QinetiQ/S&E/MMS/CR011464/1.0, March (2002). 

[6.24] Salmon, N. A. ‘Millimetre wave communication in the 70 GHz to 275 GHz band’, Bid proposal, DERA/S&E/MMS/BID000465/2.0, June, (2000). 

[6.25] Salmon, N.A. ‘Passive millimetre wave imaging for landmine detection in the MINDER programme’, DERA/S&E/MMS/TR010413, R, February, (2001). 

[6.26] Salmon, N.A. ‘Radiometric Cavity Fringes’, DERA/S&E/MMS/TR001316/1.0, November, (2000). 

[6.27] Salmon, N.A. ‘Isotope Separation in a Plasma using the Ion Cyclotron Resonance’, DERA/EL/SSD/TR992299/1.0, Commercial in Confidence, February, (2000). 

[6.28] Salmon, N.A. & Appleby, R., ‘Updated baseline report on passive millimetre-wave imaging technology’, DERA/EL/ID/CR97/DIST5734/M1/3.0, S, August, (1999). 

[6.29] Salmon, N.A. ‘W-band Millimetre Wave Receiver Supply Base for Security Imager (Part 1)’, Technical Report, DERA/EL/SSD/TR992014/1.0, May, (1999). 

[6.30] Salmon, N.A. ‘Development of a passive millimetre wave imager in w-band for D/NAW helicopter pilotage’, Technical Report, DERA/EL/ISET/TR990043/1.0, March 1999, R. 

[6.31] Salmon, N.A., 'The feasibility of using Passive Millimetre Wave Imaging for Helicopter Collision Avoidance in Poor Weather', DERA Technical Report: DERA/EL/ISET/TR980126/1.0, May 1998, R

[6.32] Salmon, N.A., 'Thermal Drift Problems and Calibration of Imaging Radiometers', DERA Technical Report: DERA/EL/NTD/TR97351/1.0, Dec. 1997, R. 

[6.33] Salmon, N.A., 'Missile and Target Tracking Using Millimetre Wave Technology with Passive and Semi-passive Techniques', DRA Technical Report: DRA/WX8/WP96508/C, November 1996, RC. 

[6.34] Salmon, N.A., 'Ship Detection at Ranges greater then 1 km using Passive Millimetre Wave Imaging', DRA Technical Report: DRA/EL/ER3/TR95/, May 1996, R.

7. NATO Technology Group Reports, Co-author

[7.1] Peichl, M., Prather, D., Alexander, N., Appleby, R., Callejero, C., Gonzalo, R., Nötel, D., Salmon, N, Schuetz, C. Wallace, B., Final NATO Technology Group Report for SET-135: ‘High-Performance Passive/Active Radiometric MMW Imaging Using Thinned Arrays’, RTO Technical Report, RTO-TR-SET-135, (2013). 

[7.2] Prather D.W., Salmon, N.A., Wallace, B.W., Peichl, M., Nötel, D., Van Ewijk, L., Lehureau, J-C., NATO RTO Technical Report, Final NATO Technology Group Report for SET-083: ‘High Performance Passive Millimetre-Wave Imaging Using Sparse Aperture Arrays’, publication reference number: E.G. RTO-TR-IST-999, (2008). 

8. QinetiQ Reports, Co-author
[8.1] Fletcher, R., Keene, M., Manning, P., Votte, I.M., Salmon, N.A., ‘Scorpius Gravity Gradiometer Development’, Phase 1 – Final Report, QINETIQ/AT/PS/CR0800489, September, (2008). 

[8.2] McClelland, A., Horton, T., Salmon, N.A. ‘Magnetic Anomaly Detection using MEMS (TRL 6) Interim Project Report’, QINETIQ/08/02168, R, August, (2008). 

[8.3] Keene, M.N. and Salmon, N.A. ‘Borehole gravity gradient modelling study’, QINETIQ /S&DU/T&P/OPT/SP0602217, Sept. (2006). 

[8.4] Knowles, M.W., Wicks, A.E., Salmon, N.A., ‘Solid state plasma antennas for GW applications‘, QINETIQ/S&E/RAD/CR020595/1.0, (2002). 

[8.5] Lemon, M, Salmon, N.A. et al, ‘Portable Humanitarian Mine Detector Phase 2 Final Report’, QinetiQ/FST/CRMV/CR010703, QinetiQ R – Commercial, July (2001). 

[8.6] Blatchford, P., Salmon, N.A. et al, ‘Portable Humanitarian Mine Detector Phase 2 Progress Report’, DERA/LWS/LSAA/CR010163, R, Commercial, February, (2001). 

[8.7] Webster, K., Cox, Lt. D., Dawber, W., Manson, D., Lavell-Smith, A., Davis, J., Watson, R., Salmon, N., Borrill, J., ‘Future Data Link Communications - Phase One’, DERA Customer Report: 980120/1.0, September 1998, UK R. 

[8.8] Britton, A., Pearson, G.N., Bagley, T. and Salmon, N.A., 'Seeker technologies for future low collateral damage weapons', DERA Technical Report: DERA/LS2/TR98307/1.0, March 1998, UK R. 

[8.9] Price, S., Salmon, N.A. and Borrill, J.R., 'Report on RSG-20 Trials on Passive Millimetre Wave Imaging', DRA Technical Report: DRA/EL/ID/CR96/TG9221/M1/1.0, January 1997, UK R. 

[8.10] Wasley, M.R.M., Price, S., Anderton, R.N. and Salmon, N.A. 'Passive Millimetric Waves for Naval Surveillance', DRA Customer Report: DRA/EL/ER1/CR95/02a/M52301/1.0, March 1996, C.

[8.11] Wasley, M.R.M., Anderton, R.N. and Salmon, N.A., 'Application of Passive Millimetric Radiometry to Maritime Short Range Air Defence', Defence Research Agency, Electronics Sector, Electro-Optics Sensors and Signatures Division, Millimetre Wave Techniques Section, Milestone Report: DRA/EL/ER1/CR95006/1.0, February 1995, C.

9. ASDEX Upgrade Team conference publications

[9.1] The ASDEX Upgrade Team, ‘Results of the first operational phase of ASDEX Upgrade’, 14th International Atomic Energy Authority Conference: Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, Wurzburg, Germany, 30th Sept. – 7th Oct. (1992). 

10. JET Laboratory Team Publications

[10.1] The JET Team, 'Latest JET Results and Future Prospects', proc. 12th International Atomic Energy Authority Conference: Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, France, Nice, 12-19th October, (1988). 

[10.2] The JET Team, 'The JET H-mode at High Current and Power Levels', proc. 12th International Atomic Energy Authority Conference: Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, France, Nice, 12-19th October, (1988).

[10.3] The JET Team, 'Heating of Peaked Density Profiles Produced by Pellet Injection in JET', proc. 12th International Atomic Energy Authority Conference: Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, France, Nice, 12-19th October, (1988). 

[10.4] The JET Team, 'High Temperature Experiments and Fusion Product Measurements in JET' proc. 12th International Atomic Energy Authority Conference: Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, France, Nice, 12-19th October, (1988). 

[10.5] The JET Team, 'JET Latest Results and Future Prospects', proc. 11th International Atomic Energy Authority Conference: Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, Japan, Kyoto, 13-20th November, (1986). 

11. Plessey Electronic System Research (Roke Manor) Reports, Lead author

[11.1] Salmon, N.A., 'Study of Optical Techniques for Free Space Communications', Plessey Electronic Systems Research, Internal Report: 72/84/R379/U, September, (1984). 

[11.2] Salmon, N.A., 'Technical Report on an Investigation of Optical Processing Techniques', Plessey Electronic Systems Research, Internal Report: 17/83/R138/U, July, (1983). 

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